I was going through my twitter Newsfeed when an idea struck me to relieve me of my boredom so I got down writing
Facebook ask me what I'm thinking, Twitter asks what I’m doing, Foursquare asks where I am and Orkut....aaaa. Ok forget Orkut I can’t remember, anyways it’s dead. I decided to create some fictional Social Networking website with some catchy status update asking lines.
1. Food&me.com
Yeah it had to start with food.
What’s hitting that belly?
2. IPLHooked.com
Who is getting the next curse?
3. PoliticiansToTihar.com
Oh this one is one of my favourites.
Who’s coming next?
4. YeahImfat.com
What’s the next excuse to console?
5. GeeksAreGod.com
For some of my geek friends
How many lines of code today?
6. OneSidedLovers.com
Who is the hot chick that just moved to office/college/school/colony blab blab............
7. DepressedExLovers.com
When are the next happy hours and what’s on your mind Devdas?
8. PoliticiansInTihar.com
Yeah one more
How much?
9. RajniRulez.com
Any Joke will do sire.
10. Bored4mOffice.com
My type of post. Hw abt Miscellaneous.com For nythng and evrythng whch is left. "We serve crap with lots of blah garnishing"